E bir blog yazari olarak ben de okudugum bloglardan esinlenip aylik bir challenge a girmeye karar verdim!. Aylik dort kucuk hedef!
Ilk dort kucuk hedefim asagida.. Ay sonuna dogru neleri yapip yapamadigima dair kucuk bir geri bildirim de yazacagim.. Ama hicbir zorlama kendini kasma yok! Bu hedefler sadece beni biraz daha motive etmek icin!
Hadi benimle paylasin. Sizin bu ay ki kucuk hedefleriniz neler?! Ya da diger bloglardan aldiginiz ve hayata gecirdiginiz ilhamlar?
- Gitarimin tellerini yenileterek fasulyem icin kendi muzigimi calmak icin bir adim atmak!
- bebegimin cinsiyeti i ogrenmemize istinaden ona guzel bir isim bulunacak!:)
- bloga biraz daha ozen gosterip her hafta min. 1 post paylasilacak.
- bu challenge'dan hemen vazgecmemek!:)))
When i started reading blogs, at everything i read i tought " how cool and unique is that!" But then in time i realised they were all inspired from each other. Which is a good thing i guess.
So as a blogger. As other bloggers do i wasninspired to do a monthly challenge called " four simple goals".
My first four simple goals can be found below. And at the end of the month i will share my progress with you. There is no pressure tho! Since this challenge is just a little extra push for me to do the things i wanna do. So i hope i will do them willingly.
Why don't you guys share your four simple goals or your inspirations with me?!
- get my guitar fixed and learn to play more song for my baby!
- as we know the gender of our baby, lats come up with a name!
- spend more time for my blog and blog at least once in a week!
- stick with the challenge! Dont give up!:)
Ben sizi coktan ziyaret ettim bile :) koz domates corbasini en kisa zamanda deneyecegim..